The Well Woman

7 Day Challenge with Katherine Maslen

You can heal and become well again. Join us and we'll show you how. 

Women are busy, overloaded and lacking in space. This leads to poor self care and ultimately more health issues. 

Join us in this challenge and discover how you can sleep better, support hormonal health, set clear boundaries and integrate simple self-care practices into your day that will have you feeling energised again.


R I S E  +  S H I N E


We live such full and rich lives as women, however sometimes this can come at a cost. In our busy and hectic lives we can become disconnected from ourselves, and our health can suffer. 

This beautiful, supportive challenge has been created for you to provide a safe space to shift your habits, mindset and health back in the right direction. 

Whether you're a cycling woman, a pregnant woman or a peri or post-menopausal woman this challenge will help you!

In 7 days you’ll learn how to reconnect with yourself, kick those crappy habits and bring awareness back to your own self-care. 

At Shift we've helped thousands of women to take control of their health and their lives - and now it's your turn.


Are you ready to make a shift? Join us below.

We begin our challenge on the 2nd of September.

It's time to make a shift. Join hundreds of other women on their own healing journey and get your thriving health back!










You owe it to yourself to come home.

So often we neglect what we need. We ignore our bodies cries for help (signs and symptoms) and just push on in the day to day until we have nothing left in the tank.

The 7 daily challenges we have chosen for you will help you to get back in your body, take stock of where you are and make some simple changes in your life to help shift your health in a positive direction. 


"I love these challenges. The group is wonderful for supporting others. I have managed to kick my sugar habit after dinner which is something I've wanted to do for ages. These challenges are so worthwhile!"

-Sally, past 7 Day Women's Health 2021 Challenger. 

This challenge is for you if...

  • Your energy is tanking, or you're not sleeping.
  • You have habits you want to kick but you can't seem to just do it. 
  • Your stress is taking over your life, and impacting you in a negative way.
  • You're anxious or overwhelmed, and need support.
  • You do everything but then have nothing left in the tank for yourself. 
  • You need a reset and some motivation to help you make a change!

If you know what you should be doing but you don't do it, this challenge is for you. 


You are ready to join hundreds of women just like you! Together, we will make the shift.

This challenge is FREE, easy and anyone can do it. So, what are you waiting for? Join us!

Join us for free here!

We'll never send you spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Dedicate just 30 minutes a day for 7 days and we promise you will make a shift in your health. 


You'll get a video every day where Katherine will help you understand the day's focus and the challenge you need to complete. 


You'll get a workbook with self-reflective questions and check boxes to help you track your progress throughout the challenge.


Each challenge comes with a PDF guide for you to read and get information on how you can make a shift in your health and your life. 


Access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and get support from our qualified team of practitioners. 

Meet your host - Katherine Maslen

Katherine is a naturopath, nutritionist, media commentator, author, host of The Shift podcast and the founder of Shift Clinics

Katherine and her team of naturopaths at Shift have worked with over 15,000 patients, so they know a thing or two about what it takes to heal through a health issue.  

Katherine has personally helped thousands of patients to shift their health and to rise and shine into the best version of themselves. 

Katherine is host of The Shift podcast, an award winning audio docu-series featuring over 25 of the world leaders in the areas of gut health (Season One) and Women's Health (Season Two).

Katherine is passionate about helping people to navigate their wellness journey so that they can make shifts that enhance their health and their lives. 

Join hundreds of women just like you -

we will work together to make the shift!

It's FREE, easy and anyone can do it. So, what are you waiting for? Join us.

Join us for free here!

We'll never send you spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.