Get Fully Booked! Masterclass

Get clients, keep clients, love practicing.









Naturopathy is such a valuable modality - but why do so many of us struggle to make a living? 


What I know for sure is that is not the modality itself - the tools we have are phenomenal and the changes we can make for people are truly extraordinary. 

So... What is missing?

What I see is a bunch of naturopaths graduating with a ton of technical expertise, but they are lacking in the skills and systems to really make it fly. Even worse I see naturopaths that have been out for years and they are still struggling to get fully booked. A travesty for our industry really.


As a naturopath that has conducted over 20,000 1-1 consultations as the founder of a 7 figure health practice I can tell you - there is absolutely a formula for growing a thriving practice. The issue is most of us have to work this out by years of trial and error - often accompanied by financial insecurity and the frustration that comes with just wanting to help people but having clients trickling in.

Well wait no more… join me for my Get Fully Booked Masterclass on the 24th of July for a 60 minute masterclass where I’ll share with you some of the strategies that I know will work (that we also use at The Shift Clinic) to get you clients, keep the clients that come to you and help you fall in love with being a naturopath!

Let's elevate our industry by being better naturopaths. 

Join For Free Now

Learn what you need to do to up-level your patient management skills.

Come to this masterclass if you...


  • Are a naturopath (or other natural health practitioner) that is not fully booked, but you want to be.

  • Want some new ideas on how to generate clients

  • Want to know the secrets to keeping your clients, and stop them dropping off

  • Want to learn from an industry leader about how to manage your clients and create raving fans.


If you want to be booked out and loving your practice, this masterclass is a must!

Hey, I’m Katherine Maslen - your host of this advanced 6 month mentorship program Patient Mastery.

I am a clinical naturopath, nutritionist, elite coach, master NLP practitioner, author, host of The Shift Podcast and founder and CEO of Shift Clinics. 

I founded Shift nearly 15 years ago and have mentored dozens of naturopaths over the years. I lead a purpose led company - our purpose is to incite change and our mission is to change healthcare and bring natural therapies once again into the forefront of medicine, where it belongs.

Our vision is to elevate natural health care and bring it back into the mainstream of medicine. I believe every practitioner out there that can effectively impact clients in the best possible way is a step towards a better outlook in population health. 

Our health care system needs us - so we need to be more effective. 

Not to mention that when you’re not an effective practitioner your impact is less and so is your income. The only way to build a thriving practice is to learn how to effectively manage patients over the long term.

Sign Up For The Masterclass Today

Take an hour to learn some critical skills that will help your natural health practice fly!


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